Note: Green Home Heroes is now closed. We have had lots of fun over the years, but are moving on to new adventures. Thank you all for your business and friendship. Best of everything to you all!
About Green Home Heroes
Green Home Heroes LLC is committed to exceptional customer service. We are a NY State licensed Home Inspection company, #16000059993, certified Level II Infrared imaging experts, and are dedicated discovering possible health and structural risks due to mold, structural defects, Carbon Monoxide and gas leaks in the home environment. . We are based in the Ithaca/ Candor, NY area. Check out our website for more info. greenhomeheroes.com.
Established in 2010.
Green Home Heroes had it's start in the Home Performance Industry consulting and doing Energy Audits and Deep Energy Retrofits. We later expanded our inspection and consulting arm, focusing on Home Inspection, troubleshooting, and inspection services using advanced Infrared Imaging.
Today we serve Home Sellers, Home Buyers, and contractors with tricky water intrusion problems, insulation issues, mapping radiant heat, among a host of other things . We are innovators and we employ advanced technology in every aspect of the business giving homeowners, and buyers the peace of mind they need concerning their biggest investment, their home.
Meet the Business Owner
Dave A.
Business Owner
During a lengthy Finger Lakes bed and breakfast trip in 1999 David and Jean Celeste Astorina tried not to notice the contrast with their hectic work life in New York City. Jean, a special education teacher, guidance counselor, and school administrator is a master of "go with the flow." But Dave's life within corporate America was "over the top" too much of the time.
At one of the last B&Bs the host not only cared for guests in her lovely home, but she also had an exuberant garden and chickens. "I realized we could live like this," recalled Dave. "We could have guests and gardens and chickens." Working an electronics sales job serving Wall Street in the city, there was intense pressure. Here outside of Ithaca there was peace and quiet, it was like visiting paradise."
Today David is a member and ex-President of Business Networking International, Thumbs Up Ithaca chapter, is an Executive Board Member of Tioga United Way, serves on the Community Advisory Board of the MacCormack Center, and is the chair person Candor Forward, a community revitalization project of the Candor Chamber of Commerce in Candor NY where he serves as a director.